Tuesday, August 26, 2014


I woke up to a really satisfying and a slightly worrying dream where I rescued 8 dogs, more than 20 hamsters, and various other animals that came individually. In my dream I had to find ways to keep the hamsters in the way I rescued them (according to the hamsters that belonged to the boxes where I found them) such that they will not fight among each other. Which then I found this very huge tray with a good enough depth, and I also found some dividers to divide the tray into smaller units to house the hamsters. Looking for small containers as food trays was a little difficult because we don't want the water to be contaminated with the bedding and stuff. 
Then I've to find beddings for the dogs (ah they were sooo cute), and find spots in the house with ample space for them to play and roam around in. Potty training them wasn't as tough as I thought it would be because they're all puppies and a little reserved when I rescued them, some were even trained to pee on newspapers. When I brought some down for a walk, I realised I forgot to leash them but for some reasons they were following me (like how Joy would), and I thought that was really intelligent of these dogs.
All was good until I've to change the bedding for the hamster tray and I've no idea how or where I can put them aside while everything was replaced; and when more than half of the dogs didn't like bathing. Imagine everytime I've to bathe every single one of them I would end up being more drenched than the dogs themselves. 

The dream ended abruptly as I realised how much work it is to keep 8 dogs and 2 dozens hamsters and the rest of the animals which I haven't even had the chance to do anything for them in the dream. I woke up feeling all fuzzy abd warm at the thought and experience of being around these animals but then recalling that taking care of them all is equivalent to taking care of tens of babies (where in my opinion, I honestly still prefer to take care of pets than to take care of babies, though it doesn't mean that I don't want to have kids).

Although if it happens in real life, unless I'm living alone, my mum would never allow me bring home this many animals; the house probably does not have that much space to house them all either. 
But nevertheless I will never leave these precious lives alone if I do see them around.

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